Last night Cael went to bed really easily. While I was brushing his teeth, I could see that his eyes were rolling back. As soon as I finished he asked for some water. I left the room to get water, a diaper, and his jammies. By the time I got back into the room, he was sleeping. So he woke a little while I finished getting him ready. I always kiss him five time and tell him I love him when I'm leaving the room. While I was kissing him, he said it. I...Love...You...
Awwww. He has never said it without being prompted to say it. It melted my heart. Whenever I get frusterated with him, I just need to remember that he really does love me.
Beki ... I ...too! Imagine me saying that very sleepy!
Ahhhh, so sweet! Love those precious, wonderful moments!!
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