Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Potty Training

Everett is doing so good with the potty training. He still isn't telling me when he needs to go to the bathroom, but I am pretty good at recognizing his ques so I can usually get him to the bathroom in time.

In other potty training news Cael is finally understanding pooping on the potty. Yay. He has gone poop on the toilet 7 times in the last 8 days. That is so good for him. He still fights me sometimes about sitting there but I am determined. Sometimes we sit there for 30 minutes before he goes, other times he goes right away. I sure hope it continues. *Knock on wood*

And a question put out to everyone. When do you start putting them to bed without a diaper? Everett hasn't worn a diaper to bed for the last 5 days. Three dry nights, two wet nights. And Cael didn't wear one either last night and woke up dry. But I really don't want to be washing bedding everyday.

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