Friday, May 21, 2010

New House

Here is our new house. It is suppose to be complete at the end of August so there is still lots that needs to be done. But I thought that I'd just show you want it looks like right now.

I am so excited.


nana said...

Wow, it looks really big! I can't wait to see it. I'm very excited for you Beki!

*katie said...

So, SO exciting! I'm a tad bit jealous, I must admit:)

karlie said...

Holy cow! You guys are building a house! Could there honestly be anything more exciting! How fun!

Anna said...

I didn't know you were building a house! Awesome! Can we come live with you when it's finished?! :)

kaydensgracedesigns said...

WOOHOO! YAY! For's not in Spokane??? What the heck Beck lol! How fun! I loved building minus the stress it feels so personal!