Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Brown Bear Brown Bear

Last night when I was getting Cael ready for bed. I started reciting Brown Bear Brown by Bill Martin Jr. Cael loves that book, so I ran into the other room and got it for him to read while we did our bed time routine. Thanks Nana for getting it for him. He got so excited to read it and was being so cute reading it out loud, that I had to get my camera and get a video of him doing it. He was trying to read it to me, but Everett was also wanting the book for himself. So you get to see how my boys fight over everything. Cael is talking so much better now. I think he will impress you all.

1 comment:

nana said...

I had to come to school to hear Cael, how cute he sounds. He sure is coming along with his speech! Yay Cael, I sure do love this boy!