We had a little scare while we were there. Cael decided to run out the front door without anyone noticing. He ran down the street to a yard sale. We didn't realize he was gone until we started getting everyone loaded in the cars. My mom noticed him down the street as she was taking Everett to the car while I was looking in the house for Cael in all his usual hiding places. My uncle Bill's friend Mel went down there and grabbed him for me. I was so scared. After that Cael was Mel's shadow. They were best buds. Mel was so awesome and took Cael swimming during the ceremony. Mel didn't plan on going swimming, so he went swimming in his shorts. Cael was in heaven spending most of the day in the water. Mel was so thoughtful and kept making sure that we knew where Cael was. They even ate dinner together.
Cael checking out the pool.
Uncle Bill.
The kids on the swings before the ceremony.
Nana in her Luau moo moo.
Leisa and me. I know its a little fuzzy, but I loved this picture.
Go Devin. Don't hit yourself with one of those things.
Here is Mel and Cael on their way out to the pool.
Here is a description on their ceremony taken from their knot.com page.
Handfasting was the traditional style of wedding in medieval times. And for Jerry and I, a ceremony that is more intimate and meaningful. For anyone not familiar I'll touch on a few of the differences in style. In a handfasting everyone is equal. There is no aisle, no veil, no procession, and no objection. Everyone gathers in a circle around the couple during the ceremony. The ceremony will include a cord woven around our hands to symbolize the love that has joined us, and then tied to symbolize the bonds we've made and our commitment to one another. Handfasting is where the term "tied the knot" originally came from.
Hydee just looks so happy.
Each of the ribbons stood for something.
Making it official.
Leisa had to get in as much baby time as she could. Ev was happy to oblige.
Cael putting his floaties on. He was shivering, but didn't want to get out of the water.
Cael and Mel eating dinner together. Thanks Mel, you are awesome.
Leisa and Ev on the trampoline back at Uncle Bill and Aunt Cyndee's house.
Close up.
Hailey, Drew, Chase and Cael in the hot tub. Doesn't Cael look awesome in that pink life jacket?
Everett was playing fetch with Honey. She just wanted anyone and everyone to throw anything for her to fetch.
Cael had to get one more jump in on the trampoline before we got him dressed and in the car.
Here is Leisa, Tab, and baby Zack. I sure do miss all my cousins.
That was so scary! Thanks Mel, you are awesome.
More pics and I gotta say, we really did enjoy the wedding. So good to see Hydee so happy. Nice to be with the family.
Cool Beki. Thanks for sharing the pics. Wish I would have been there.
LOL! Bek, You are too hard on yourself! The "runaway" is too smart for his own good and whenever you have 2 boys, you get crazyness!~ That is just boys! Ev is a doll! :)I hope we get together again soon! Love Ya Bekers! Tab
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