Adam got us some sweet free tickets to Lego Land, so we went this weekend. It was awesome. Cael had so much fun. He wanted to ride everything again, but he didn't want to wait in line again for the rides. He did pretty good though. He also wore flip flops the whole time. That is really good for Cael since he's only been wearing flip flops for about a month. I love kids in flip flops, they just look so cute.

Cael is on this ride with me, I promise.

See......there he is. He loves all water.

Going again with Daddy this time.

Daddy was making it splash a lot more than I was.

Cael and Daddy as the ride was coming to an end.

Grammy and Ev.

Cael doesn't look excited, but he was.

So much fun.

I know that you can't see his whole face, but that smile says it all. Plus you can see his flip flops in this picture.

Are you sure I can't go again right now Daddy?

Everett decided to take a snooze while we were there.

The ride that gets you really wet.

I'm trying to shoot Adam with the water.

Trying to avoid getting shot myself.

After the ride. I think I was wetter than Cael.

Everett didn't get to ride many things, but he was happy just to be out and about with everyone.

Cael and Grammy on the helicopters.

Cael on another ride with Daddy.

Daddy pulling Cael up so they can drop again.

Funny story.....
On this ride you pull the rope between your seats to lift yourself up, when you let go, you drop. Adam and Cael were sharing a seat and I was on the other side of Cael by myself. I pull myself up as high as Adam and Cael were, so I can get a good picture. Than I let go of the rope, so I can take the picture. Forgetting that I'm going to fall. Ummmm.... Yeah, I'm that smart. I couldn't stop laughing at myself and Adam had a good time making fun of me too.