Monday, September 22, 2008

6 Months Old

Today we had Everett's 6 month check up. He had to get 4 shots and take 1 oral vaccine. He was a little champ. He was very sleepy, but still did good. His stats are 18.6 pounds (70%), 27 inches long (75%), and his head is also in the 75%. I figured he was in the 90% because he is wearing 9 months clothes, but he is still a big boy.

Here are some pictures I took of him after his appointment.

Do you see his purple band-aid? He has a matching one on his other leg.

Funny face for the camera.

Sitting up so everyone can see those massive legs.

I just thought that this picture was funny. Cael giving Everett a kiss and blocking his whole head.


nana said...

Cute pictures! He is a very handsome boy. Sounds healthy as well. Love you Turners!

Amelia said...

I love the funny face picture! ...he's such a cute baby!! 75th%?? LUCKY! seems like Bowler babies are never above the 25th%..haha! :)