January: Our first trip to Disneyland in the new year. The guy who was taking the picture took us to look afraid of Hopper, but I was the only one playing along.

February: Cael crawled behind the couch and got himself stuck. Silly boy.

March: Family of four. Our first picture.

April: Cael stealing as many cookies as he can.

May I: Leisa turns 30. Everett and I go up for a quick visit.

May II: Meeting Andee for the first time. Ev and Andee snoozing away.

June: Cael turns 3. I can't believe he is growing up so fast.

July: Matchy Matchy Blue Squared.

August: Hide and Seek.

September: Everett is 6 months old.

October: Cael's first day of preschool.

November: Thanksgiving at the cabin. We love being around so much family.

December: Waiting for Santa.