Cael got his school pictures back today. These are the retakes because I didn't like his first ones too much. I hate that he isn't looking at the camera, but that is Cael. Sometimes he loves the camera, sometimes he hates it. If anyone wants a picture sent to them, just let me know.
Cael had a fever for a few days last week and it just threw off my whole plan for finishing as much of my Christmas shopping as possible. Now since Cael is off this week for Thanksgiving, I can't get much done during the day with the two boys. I know that so many women do it all the time, but I'm just not that super. I love Cael being in school for a few hours a day. It is good for everyone involved.
Okay so I'm really late with this post, but our Halloween ended up being a dud. Cael was not feeling good after waking up from his nap. He wouldn't even entertain the idea of putting his costume on. His belly was really hurting him. He only wanted to lay on Grams and cuddle with her.
So I got Everett dressed and took him to our ward trunk or treat. Everett could have cared less about playing the games and he just kept running outside to run down a ramp. So we left early and just passed out candy at home.
Everett the dragon. He hated the hat part of his costume.
Siblings- Leisa and I drew names for our Christmas Exchange. Check out the Christian Kiddos blog to see who you've got for Christmas and be sure to leave your wish list for the person who has your name. I love you guys.